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"Home of the Conservative Freelance Writer and Political Pundit"

A Message to My Liberal Readers

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Welcome to Aaron-Web!

This website is no longer being updated.  We have to moved to a new website and a new name.  Please visit our new website at:


This site will remain open while we attempt to gather all the past articles to the new site. 


Aaron C. H. Kinder


I’d like to welcome everyone to my website. Aaron-Web is a site which I intend to be used to put forth my ideas to all those who are interested in listening. I am an oddity in that I’m a 23 year old, conservative, outspoken, politically incorrect Republican who started out as a liberal democrat. I often like to tell people that I grew a brain somewhere along the way.

I hope you will find the site of interest. Email me with an comments that you may have. I love to receive emails from people who agree with the ideas I espouse and those who hate my way of thinking. One little note: While I love my party and I am devoted to my writing, God always comes first. Without God I wouldn't be here to continue writing. Happy surfing and God Bless.

Vote Aaron Kinder for Cedar Bluff Town Council

Aaron C. "Chris" Kinder
click the photo to vist my campaign website

I hope I can count on your vote in May, to return this council to the citizens.

03/14/25 7:29PM

Aaron-Web * P.O. Box 824 * Cedar Bluff* Va* 24609-0824

Last updated on 6/29/2008, 3:34:11 AM

Aaron Kinder