Of all the issues facing our nation the most distressing is that of abortion. In 1972 our nation made a move
that was an affront to the U.S. constitution and the ideals of our founding fathers. The Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade
that women had the constitutional right to murder there own children. To say that the document which states that all men are
endowed by there creator with the right to “LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” also protects the right
to murder ones own child reduces the constitution to nothing more than suggestions.
How can we hope to secure human rights across the globe when the basic human right of life is not protected in our own
country. If we are to truly live up the ideals of a founding fathers and be that “shining city upon a hill” that
the great president Ronald Regan spoke of we must protect the most vulnerable of Americans; the unborn.