05/11/2005 - I am happy to throw my support for Lt. Governor of the State of Virginia
to State Senator Bill Bolling. His stance on taxation and traditional values will help curb the liberalization of Virginia
politics started by the Warner/Kaine administration.
04/19/2005 - HABEMVS PAPAM - We have a Pope. Today Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger,
78 was elected to be the next Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. His taken name is to be Pope Benedict XVI.
Long Live the Pope!
04/02/2005 - Today the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II passed away to his eternal
reward. His absence will be greatly missed. God bless this wonderful man of God.
04/02/2005 - 12:15am - According to current reports the Holy Father is
nearing death, as his vital organs began to shut down. My prayers go out to the Pontiff and gathered faithful.
It is my sincere prayer that the Holy Father be surrounded by peace and love in what appears to be his final hours.
03/29/2005 - Today, Terri Schiavo passed away. Ms. Schiavo came into the news arena
when her husband, against the wishes of her parents removed her feeding tube; essentially starving her to death.