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Who is Aaron Kinder? 

Just so you know, the hat was a joke.

The first thing most people want to know is age, which is a question that I absolutely despise. However to make it simple I'll start by getting it out of the way. I was born on January 05, 1983. In case your math isn't so great that would make me 23. Some would assume that I couldn't possibly know what im talking about at such a young age. To those people I say, your more than welcome to leave my website.

I was raised in a religious household. My parents started out in a non-denominational church where they (and on occasion myself, as well) taught. After quitting that church, among conflicts with the minister, they dropped out of church all together. I started attending a Roman Catholic church and later went through the RCIA process to become a catholic.

That lasted for a while but I soon found myself dissatisfied so I left to return to my families roots, Judaism. Soon after I formally converted to Judaism however I found myself unable to give up Christ so I remain outside of mainstream Judaism. My respect for the Roman Catholic Church has always been strong creating a sort of "Jewish-Catholic" combination.

Politically, I started out as a hardcore liberal. That surprises most of my readers and frankly myself as well. After having a religious transformation my politics changed and my disgust for the DNC and political correctness grew creating the Aaron that we know today.

I wrote rather regularly in the local rag news-paper until they started refusing to print my articles and that is why you see this website today.

Me at the Computer

More to be added later.

Aaron Kinder