
The Conservative Angle - Aaron Kinder

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The following are several of the articles that i have written.  Some were published in the local news paper.  Others were sent to the local news paper and remain unpublished.
(All articles may be freely reprinted and distributed with acknowledgment of the author and notification.)


Article: May 11, 2005 - The Emperors New Cloths

Article: April 26, 2005 - Democratic Dishonesty: Discrimination against Christians

Article: March 28, 2005 - Judiciary Gone Wild

Article: December 20, 2004 - A Liberal Take Over

Article: Dec 13, 2004 - My response to letters about me in the local paper.

Article: Dec 8, 2004 - Response to the Christian Democrat

Article: Dec 01, 2004 - Response to Polarized Christian

Article: Nov 17, 2004 - Response to "Former Activist Republican"

Article: Nov 04, 2004 - The Little Article that Starting all the Fuss

Article: Oct 04, 2004 - Vote Your Values*

Article: Feb 11, 2004 - A Response to Guster

Article: July 09, 2003 - Response to anti-Bible Guster letter

Article: June 25, 2003 - Upset by Outcry Against Israel

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Aaron Kinder