
Article May 11, 2005 - The Emperors New Cloths

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2005 Virginia Governors Race

Am I the only one who has noticed that the liberals have totally lost their minds - along with any self-respect and dignity that they may have once had. Last years presidential election scared them to death because they put all they had into it and still lost pretty badly.

This past election was pretty cut and dry. We had a very liberal Kerry v. Bush; the social conservative. For some odd reason the Democrats thought the majority of Americans would support abortion, gay marriage, tax and spend politics, and a lack of respect for our troops over seas. They found that what Americans really support is the right to life, traditional values, fiscal responsibility and patriotism.

As I sit here in Virginia, watching - and actively participating in - this years Governors race I find it hard to stop the chuckles. We have Tim Kaine for the Democrats. Lt. Governor Kaine is the casebook example of a liberal but all of a sudden he is trying to show himself with a conservative twist. He says he can’t support the death penalty and is personally opposed to abortion because of his supposed faith but will support the law as it is if he were elected.

Will the voters of Virginia fall for Mr. Kaine’s little deceitful tactics? I don’t think so. Virginians aren’t the backwoods, un-educated idiots that liberal northern suburbanites would like the rest of the county to think we are.

Kaines record will destroy his candidacy. He says he will support the law as it is on the death penalty and abortion but is that what his record shows? As a lawyer he recommend a moratorium on the death penalty. As for abortion - what person can be spiritually opposed to it and still say they will support the law as it is? If its wrong its wrong and any politician who makes such a statement shows that he is lying somewhere. Either he a) supports abortion or he b) isn’t actually the good catholic he would have us believe. No good Catholic can turn a deaf ear to abortion. The Holy Father has made that clear.

He also claims to support the Second Amendment but his actions show otherwise. He was rated an “F” by the NRA in 2001. As mayor of Richmond he even proposed using city funds to transport anti-gun protestors to the “Million Mom March.”  He only backed down from that idea under pressure from the city council.

Mr. Kaine, Virginians aren't that stupid.  We know a Dean/Kerry liberal when we see one and come November we are going to elect a man who thinks and talks like the majority of us - Jerry Kilgore.

Written by - Aaron C. Kinder
All Rights Reserved

Aaron Kinder