At the moment the Senate Democrats are all up in a hissy. Why are they so angry at the Republican
majority? The Republicans have asked the Democrats to do the most unthinkable thing possible. They have been asked to actually
do there jobs.
We all know that Harry Reid is much too busy attacking Delay, Kerry is too busy licking his
wounds, Kennedy is probably getting drunk and planning the next person he should hit and murder with his car and Libermann
is still too busy fence sitting to be asked to do the job they were elected to do and vote. The filibuster is not a sacred
senate tool. Even more importantly, this is not about ending all filibusters in the senate. This only deals with filibusters
in regard to Senate confirmation of judicial nominees.
The U.S. Constitution grants the senate the right to advise and consent on a presidents judicial
nominees. No one is saying Senate democrats should vote in favor of these nominees. That is a decision that they would have
to make. However, the nominees have the right to an up or down vote. If they don’t want to see a particular judicial
nominee approved then they should feel more than welcome to lobby their fellow senators to vote likewise. They should not,
however be allowed to hijack the U.S. Senate and obstruct other members from voting.
The real question is why are they so opposed to these judicial nominees? I recently watched
MoveOn PAC’s Virginia T.V. ad and they would have you believe its because they want to preserve minimum wage and the
environment. You would have to be a complete idiot to believe that. Make no mistake, this is an attack on conservative Christians.
They object to these nominees because of their strong Christian faith.
Janice Brown was appointed to the bench in California. California is perhaps one of the most
liberal states in the union yet she was overwhelmingly reelected by the voters of that state. Now, Senate Democrats would
have you believe that she is a radical conservative activist. Really? Then why did an area that is primarily democrat put
her back in office?
MoveOn and the nutty Democrats that support them will (along with the ACLU) do anything they can to keep conservative
Christians out of public office. That is what we are watching now. If you want to preserve this country for our children contact
you Senators and tell them to vote to end the Judicial filibuster. This is not a matter of checks and balances. It’s
a matter of upholding the U.S. Constitution and ending the democrats policy of discrimination against peoples of faith.