
Article: Nov 04, 2004 - The Little Article that Starting all the Fuss

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It amazing that one of my shortest articles ever written and the one that I thought lest likely to raise a fuss has caused a fury of anger directed at me.  Over all, I'm pleased with the response.  The article follows.

To the Editor,

This years bitter election has finally ended and, I’m sure that both Republicans and Democrats alike are breathing a sigh of relief. Over all, I’m very happy that we made the right decision, both in Virginia and nationally to re-elect our president. Giving him a second term is a victory for national security and traditional values. However, as usually is the case, I do have one little rant (okay, make that two).

While I wont give the name, on election day I watched as a minister, and very respectable man came to the polls wearing his Kerry and Boucher pins. As an American, I totally support his right to vote for anyone that he chooses, however on a moral level I find this very disturbing. The two democrats I mentioned have taken a number of positions that are contrary to Christian doctrine and scripture. Both support abortion, opposed a ban on partial-birth abortion, and, while both claim they are opposed to gay marriage they have voted a number of times to progress the gay agenda. Can one claim to be a faithful Christian and minister while voting for these people, after the stance they have taken on the issues? I don’t believe so. As members of the religious community we must use our vote to support Godly principals and values..

My second rant comes from talking to a number of people who voted for Pres. Bush while also voting for Rep. Boucher. To be blunt, this is an irresponsible vote. Pres. Bush and Rep. Boucher stand on opposite sides of these moral issues. It is lunacy to vote for a president and then vote for a congressman who will oppose him every step of the way. It is my hope that you will keep these moral issues in mind over the coming years and when the time comes make a responsible choice by choosing individuals on the state and national level who will uphold the principals presented to us in scripture.

This article was written by Aaron Kinder and may only be reprinted with written permission of the author.

Aaron Kinder