
Article: June 25, 2003 - Upset by Outcry Against Israel

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This Article, from 2003 should show that I'm not a blinded Bush supporter.  When the administration does something that I dont agree with I make my opinion known.

To the Editor,

Today while driving to work I heard of the latest violence in Israel. I listened as the reporter spoke of the Bush administrations “strong condemnation of the Israeli governments actions.” I Don’t believe there has ever been a time when I was more ashamed of my government. The U.S. outcry against Israel is upsetting to say the least.

When radical Islamic terrorist attacked on our soil, not only did we go after the organization behind those attacks but we also went after the government that supported them. We then went looking for any governments that supported then with the clear intention to remove any such government. We have taken out the government responsible for Osama’s organization and recently took out another government that we felt was a threat to national security. We did all this in spite of objection by the United Nations, and we made the correct decision.

While I’m not trying to minimize the devastation we experienced in the 9-11 terrorist attacks, it was an isolated event. Only one foreign terrorist attack on our soil exist in our history and we are unlikely to allow that to repeat. The Israelis get up each morning, as do we and send their children off to school, either by bush , a personal vehicle or on foot. The main difference is that an Israeli parent doesn’t know if they will be going to the school to pick up their child or to the local morgue to claim their charred remains. While it is possible that something horrible could happen to our children at school its not something that is common.

We traveled over seas to face our enemy, however Israel’s enemy sits on her doorstep each day. Our terror levels rise and fall but Israel is in what we would call a constant red alert. Most of us would like to see peace brought to the Middle East but how can we expect that to happen when our plan includes a state for the very terrorist destroying the peace. Are we going to be so blind as to destroy two terrorist regimes and then turn around to help create another? The “Road Map to Peace” is actually a road map to destruction and death.

I’m not lacking compassion and pity for the Palestinians. I feel great remorse that the Palestinian people have allowed themselves to be brainwashed and manipulated by leaders thirsty for blood and dripping with anti-Semitism. My pity is for the Palestinian children who have been brainwashed into strapping bombs to their backs and kill innocent Israelis. How much pity can one have for a people who are responsible, not only for murdering so many Israelis but also their own children. To paraphrase the former Prime Minister Golda Mier, “I can forgive you for killing our children but I cannot forgive you for forcing us to kill your children.”

Israel is attempting to root out the terrorist who are threatening the peace of the region. How dare we condemn Israel for doing exactly as we have done. We express a commitment to destroying terrorist and then, when Israel is doing just that we condemn them. This is certainly a double standard. It is time that we, as Americans stand in solidarity with out brother democracy in the Middle East and say that we will not allow terrorism to be legitimized by giving terrorist a sovereign state.

This article was written by Aaron Kinder and may only be reprinted with written consent of the author.

Aaron Kinder