
Article: 11/17/04 - Response to Former Activist Republican

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Following my post-election article a letter appear in the local paper written by an individual who claimed to be a former "activist republican" while espousing liberal democratic talking-points.  My response follows.

To the Editor,

Once again, I’m writing in response to another bit of liberal propaganda, this time written by Amit Thakkar. Similar to Thakkar, I was once an activist Democrat, however I am now happy to say that I am a vocal conservative.

Thakkar starts by saying that the Republicans are only attempting to empower the elite. I have no doubt that there are many elitist Republicans and, likewise Democrats. However what wasn’t mentioned is that Sen. Kerry’s wife was ranked in Forbes magazine as among the richest in America. Also, Sen. Kerry received the majority of his campaign funding from about 38 elitist donors, including George Soros. Bush however, received the majority of his donations from individuals ranked among the middle class, not exceeding more than five-thousand dollars per donor. If anyone is an elitist it would appear to be Sen. Kerry.

Thakkar also mistakenly says that a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage is not needed because of DOMA. Massachusetts also adopted DOMA however it didn’t stop a rogue court from forcing gay marriage upon the citizens. It is also important to add that DOMA is being challenged in court and, if current trend holds true, will be overturned. Lets also not be fooled into thinking that abortion is a constitutional right. It is not mentioned in the constitution however the right to “LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” is. Pres. Bush has said he is opposed to Roe v. Wade and would appoint judges, as he has been trying for four years, who are strict constitutional constructionist. To the layman, that means, yes his appointees will be opposed to abortion.

As to the question of gun rights, anyone who attempts to look to the Democratic voting records would see that when compared to republicans the democrats take the more anti-gun approach. The deficit is a concern. However lets not forget that we are in this financial situation because of terrorism and the cost of fighting it. Admittedly, the “No Child Left Behind” act has be under funded. However, if the Democrats weren’t busy fighting to make sure your money is used to help provide abortion services and support the gay agenda we could, perhaps use that money.

In closing, if given the choice, Ill take a “son of privilege” over a liberal homosexual supporting abortionist any day. Let not your hearts be troubled, Southwest Virginia, we made the right choice.

This article was written by Aaron Kinder and may only be reprinted with written permission of the author.

Aaron Kinder