If you didn’t already know that liberals are insane, the two news stories I heard
this week would certainly show you. As the great Michael Savage says “Liberalism is a mental disease.” Liberals
couldn’t win in the national election so they’re now trying to destroy this nation in other ways.
This week the court ruled that your children, living in your home and talking on the
phone that you paid for have an “expectation of privacy.” Yes parents, according to this Judge you can’t
legally eavesdrop on your children’s telephone conversations, even if you suspect they may be involved in illegal activity.
This Judge has reduced parents to over-glorified landlords who don’t even have an “expectation of payment.”
Here is a little idea for the government: If they want to be the parents let them pay the damn bills.
Soon you’ll have to let your fifteen year old daughter sleep with her boyfriend
in your house because it is, after all her body. A parent has the responsibility to make sure their child is safe and these
tyrannical idiots in black robes are trying to take that from you. In several states they have already ruled that you don’t
have the right to even know when your underage daughter decides to have an abortion. Also, lets not forget the number of parents
that are reported to social services and investigated merely due to the use of corporal punishment. What’s left? Now
your punishment option is to politely tell the child “Don’t do that again or …..or….well just don’t
do it.”
You would think that was the worst story however you’d be wrong. Recently a parent
in Massachusetts (the nations insane asylum) was thrown from her child’s school because she objected to the school
using instructional time to have a “Gay Awareness Day” presentation. The parent hadn’t acted up or cause
any type of disturbance. She merely did as does at all school events, she recorded it. They asked her to turn off the camera
and leave the school. Not wanting to create a ruckus, she complied. However, the parent being asked to leave a school function
which she has every right to attend isn’t the problem.
What was the school thinking. School is a place to learn the three r’s, not Debauchery
101. Students weren’t required to attend however the day was wasted on education because no classes took place. Instead,
students could spend the day in workshops learning about the “plight” of the queer (they used that term on
the schools website so why should I) in America. The website stated that there was a special workshop to talk about the
discrimination that homosexuals face in American society. I normally wouldn’t spend so much time on this one subject
however I find it so absurd that it must be exposed. Below is a list of the various events of the day:
B Block - A Day in the Life
- This event essentially speaks of how complicated life is for the gay teen.
C Block - Students “Speakout”
- original works by students about “GLBT” issues.
D Block - Life Outside the Gender Norm
- This section speaks of “Gender Identity,” which is just a nice way of saying Cross Dressing Freak.
E Block - Out at the Old Ballgame
- This presentation was about what its like to be a homosexual in the in a sports environment. I find it comical that they
felt the need to devote an entire block to this one aspect.
F Block - Family Matters
- This section probably interest me most. It discusses the legal “obstacles queer families face.” This may be
most interesting in that it placed the school in a direct position against Christianity and traditional views. They were no
longer just giving the general “Its okay to be gay” message. They crossed over to take a position against the
creation of a federal marriage amendment and against the intuition of marriage as we currently know it. It was a ploy to make
sure that these children grow up to be liberal democrats.
F Block - GBLT What’s in a name?
- It specifies that in this forum they will discuss what homophobia and “hetrosexism” are. I wish I could have
attended because I’m not familiar with the term “hetrosexism.” Homophobe is a favorite slur of the left.
They liberally, no pun intended, apply it to anyone who defends traditional values.
I don’t hate or fear homosexuals but I also don’t believe gays should be
allowed to have sanctioned marriages/civil unions or indoctrinate our children with anti-Christian, anti-Traditionalist and
obviously pro-Liberal Democrat views. This nations was founded on Christian values and it was our founders vision that we
continue in that path. We should unapologetically follow the path that they set us on.
G Block - Color Me Queer
- This was merely a panel discussion about the topics they brought up earlier. One thing does pop out at me while reading
this title; why is it okay for them to call themselves Queers but when I use the term I’m immediately attacked? I’ll
leave that question open for you all.
To wrap everything together these latest events, along with the attack on Christmas
show that the liberal left are now grasping at straws. There has been a great deal of talk about what the Democratic party
can do to repair itself. I refuse to be involved in that discussion merely because I am perfectly satisfied watching the Democrats
disintegrate. They are falling apart and it should be amusing to see where they are in 2008.