To the Editor,
A dilemma recently came to my attention which had scarcely noticed. Admittedly, I too
was once part of this problem. There is a campaign called “vote your values,” which has made a significant impression
on me. It sounds simple enough. One may even venture to assume that, naturally we all would vote our values. However, those
of us in the religious communities have fallen short of our responsibility to support Godly principles.
As religious individuals I’m sure we would agree that abortion on demand and ghastly
practices such as partial-birth abortion are contrary to the principles presented to us in scripture. If we truly look to
scripture we would also see that homosexual activities are clearly contrary to Godly principles. Few, if any of us would want
to see references to God stricken from the public sector.
The distressing fact is that many of us who hold to scripture, God and our right to
own guns will go out this November and vote for Democrats merely because we stubbornly hold to a party affiliation that no
longer represents us.
Kerry and Boucher have repeatedly supported partial-birth abortion and the homosexual agenda. Boucher
has even gone so far as to vote against a proclamation calling for a national day of prayer and in favor of using your tax
dollars to force San Francisco businesses to provide health coverage for the gay lovers of their employees. Does this represent
you values? Kerry has also voted against partial-birth abortion bans and has an anti-gun record. Remember that they got to
Washington to represent you. If you vote for these individuals, knowing their record you are voting for abortion and the homosexual
agenda. When you go out this November disregard political parties and always vote your values.