
Statement on the London Terrorist Attacks

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Terrorist Attack 07/07/05


My thoughts and prayers go out to the British people as they recover from this horrible terrorist attack. More than anything, this shows us all that we cannot forget that we are involved in a war and cannot wavier. Have no doubt, when our allies are attacked it is also an attack upon us. Unfortunately, a large portion of the responsibility for allowing actions, such as these to occur fall upon the British and U.S. Governments.

Until we crack down on our borders, stop this idiotic “Islam is a religion of peace” dribble, maintain the Patriot Act and take the fight to terrorist, wherever they may be we leave ourselves open. Islam is not a religion of peace. It’s a religion that says kill the infidels and Allah will reward you with paradise. Honesty and good ole fashion military might are the only ways to prevail.

God bless the USA, President Bush, P.M. Blair and our true allies.

Aaron Kinder - 07/07/05

Aaron Kinder