First, I want to thank you for visiting my site even though you don’t agree with me. Intelligent dissent
is essential to the American system. Having said that I would like to dispel some thoughts you may have about me.
Point One: I am not a "Homophobe."
The term homophobe means one who is afraid of homosexuals and I can assure you that I do not fear them. Its used loosely to
apply to people who hate homosexuals. This, likewise does not apply. I disagree with their actions; one may even say that
I hate their actions however I don’t hate them personally. I firmly believe that homosexuality is an abomination and
I won't tread lightly to spare there feelings. (note: this also applies to the issue
of "gay marriage")
Point Two: I have taken a strong stand
against "Affirmative Action," however I am not a racist. Affirmative Action is not only prejudice against whites but it is
also racist in regard to blacks. To set lower standards for African Americans and promote, accept or hire them based on their
race and not merit is an insult to their intelligence and skill.
Point Three: I do not support abortion
and don't believe a woman has the right to "Choose" to murder her baby. Our constitution states that we are endowed by our
creator with the right to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Abortion is murder and I will not apologize
for taking a stand on that issue.There are other points that I could make but I feel this gives you a good idea of what you
will run into on my website if you choose to read further. Your welcome to leave your comments using the form on the home
page. I happily accept comments from those who disagree with me however it is possible that you may find your emails addressed
in a new column. Enjoy the website or hate it, if you so choose.
God Bless You,
Aaron K