
In Memory of Pope John Paul II

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His Holiness, Pope John Paul II - Karol Wojtyla
Life: May 18, 1920 - April 02, 2005
Pontificate: Oct. 16, 1978 - April 02, 2005

The Holy Father, Pope John Paul II passed to his eternal reward today, April 02, 2005.  His presence will be missed by Catholics and non-Catholics alike.  His infulence stretched into the realm of religion and politics.  His work with President Reagan helped to bring about the fall of communism and his leadership in the Roman Catholic Church has brought the church into modernity while maintaining traditionalist religious values and traditions. 
Above all this, the Pope will be known for his love and strength.  The memory of a vibrant man of God and an elderly, dignified gentleman who showed the world how to live and how to die will live on.  May God bless the Holy Father, Karol Wojtyla as he has blessed us.


“Churches Mourn”ã Aaron C. Kinder, Photographer 2005

Local churches mourn the passing of the Holy father.


Mourners in tears as the body of the Holy Father passes by in the Vatican.

April 02, 2005

Aaron Kinder