Pope Benedict XVI - Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger
A new Pope has been elected and an old adage has been broken. Going into conclave, Ratzinger
was thought to be the favorite and that appears to have been true. It was once said, the man who enters conclave a Pope
leaves a Cardinal. No so, in this case.
Pope Benedict XVI is 78 years old and a strong defender of the churches conservative, traditional theology.
It is unlikely that there will be change in the churches position on such issues as abortion, the role of women in the church
or homosexuality. For many in the American church, who were looking for change, there will be disappointment.
For those of us who want to see a continuation of the RCC as lead by Pope John Paul II there is great joy.
The election of Pope Benedict XVI is a wonderful tribute to the life of Pope John Paul II. May God
bless Pope Benedict XVI as he blessed Pope John Paul II.