Abortion is one of the greatest problems facing our society. Every year millions of innocent American children are murdered,
for the sake of a mothers supposed "right to choose." No such right exist. We seem to have forgotten that our U.S. Constitution
states that we are endowed by our creator with the right to "LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." I stand firmly against
abortion. It is an abominable practice.
There is no marriage unless it is blessed by God. Gay marriage is an abomination despised by God
and should not be approved by the state. A constitutional amendment is needed that not only forbids gay "marriage" but
also "civil unions." Some may view me as a bigot for my views and I couldnt care less.

The Ten Commandments are under fire in this country. The fact is that this country was founded
on religious principles and the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments and references to God can be found throughout
this nations government institutions. There must be a law enacted to stop these tyrannical Judges from overturning the
states right to express our historical founding. We were founded by God fearing men and we should not have to hide that

Affirmative Action is nothing more than a synonym for reverse discrimination. This discriminatory practice needs to end.

Introducing the most frightening woman in the United States. She is deeply part of the Liberal agenda to take over the
U.S. and you would have to be insane to think that she isn’t planning to run for President in 2008. God help us all
if this evil woman gets into office.

The ACLU has become one the largest liberal propaganda machines known to man. It constantly spews hate against conservatives
and Christians while claiming to be an organization based on tolerance. Tolerance to Liberals means that we must accept everything
they want and say and they can, in turn demonize us among all they meet. The ACLU wants you to accept the drug addict, new-ager,
abortionist, whoremonger, homosexual and every other deviant known to man. Christians, however must be stopped at all costs.

The United Nations is the largest terrorist organization on the planet. It is slowing working to take away the sovereignty
of the USA and all free nations. The UN should immediately be abolished.